Exceeding National Quality Standard


In April 2016 Uralla Preschool was awarded an "Exceeding National Quality Standard" rating. The National Quality Standard comprises guiding principles, quality areas, standards and elements.

There are seven quality areas in the National Quality Standard, which capture aspects critical to the provision of quality early childhood education and care and outside school hours care services, including educational concept and practice, structural quality, interactions between educators and children and targeting services to meet the needs of families and local communities.

The new rating system will provide clear and accurate information for families and services. Services will receive one of five ratings for each of the seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard along with an overall rating.

The ratings will indicate whether the service is meeting, exceeding or not meeting the National Quality Standard. They are designed to provide parents with a comprehensive understanding of the quality of a service. They will also allow services to highlight areas where they perform well, even when they may be unable to meet a particular standard in a quality area.